Women's Job List

education and training Resume

My name is Kingsley Slam....,i saw your ads on the craigslist network.. I reside in london with an extended family..And what i do for a living is Art works design, I am looking for a representative in the USA who will be helping me receive my payment from all the customers i have in USA i will be willing to pay % for every transaction, this wouldn't affect your present state of work. So if you think you are trust worthy with banking experience, think about this and get back at me if you want to help me out because the cost of coming to USA and getting payments is very expensive.
I once had a representative which has traveled out to Italy for a fashion exhibition programe who wont be back until next year August and during this period i still have to collect my money from my customers, so for now i need a representative in USA who will be handling the payment aspect for me.
These payments are in form of money
orders and cashier's checks and they would come to you in your name if you are willing to assist as a representative, so all you need do is cash the money order/cashier checks deduct your percentage % and the western union Charges from the money then wire the rest back.
You are entitled to % commission for any transaction(that is for any MONEY ORDERS or CASHIER's CHECK ).This transaction is risk free and legal . Please reply only if you will like to work from home part-time and get paid weekly without leaving or it affecting your present job.
Please get back to me with your Complete information:
.full Name..........................................
. full Residential Address......................
. direct Telephone Number.........
. Occupation.......
. Marital
. email address.... ...............................
. do you have an account?

Thanks for your anticipation and co-operation.
Best regards
Kingsley Slam