Women's Job List

Editorial Intern Resume

Wisconsin Ave NW, Apt Washington, DC
Tel: / Cell:

MEDIA EXPERIENCE: years in video production as producer, assistant director, financial coordinator, voice-over talent (TV, radio, video)
EDUCATION: M.A. in Public Communication, focus on Online Media
PR SKILLS: Public & media relations, project innovation/financing/management, special events
TECHNICAL SKILLS: Proficient in Mac/PC platforms, PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Big Bowl (AOL); Familiar with Final Cut Pro, QuickTime, Avid, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Fireworks
INTERESTS: Podcasts, Wikis, Blogs, RSS Feeds, MMORPGs, MMOs, Mobile Technology

• Create and implement Web campaign plan, that will include: significant bloggers to reach out to, SEO tips and advice, and timeline for campaign for Professor Kathryn Montgomery’s book “Generation Digital”
• Build and design web site for her book and a Wiki for future research on topic.

AOL PERSONALS EDITORIAL INTERN: America Online LLC, Dulles, VA, June -Present
• Produce bi-monthly photo gallery feature for Gay and Lesbian Channel
• Manage Baby Boomer and Gay and Lesbian Channel by updating spotlight profiles, featured articles and site map
• Create Horoscopes, Sugar & Spice franchise and the Pulse features to increase AOL Personals registrations and subscriptions to meet our goals for the plan
• Organize AOL Personals Site Map for optimum SEO placement by keyword, meta-tags, meta-descriptions, and limiting the number of links per page

INTERACTIVE E-MAIL RESPONDER: Public Broadcasting Service. Arlington, VA, November -May
• Public liaison for Web-based communications team; assist viewers with problems in accessing podcasts, RSS feeds, and other technologies
• Analyst for monthly Interactive Team; look for trends from e-mails received
• Serve as internal communications coordinator of trends to generate progress reports for PBS Kids, PBS Parents, and PBS Teachers

PROMOTIONS DIRECTOR: Cumulus Broadcasting (Radio). Temple, TX, July -August
• Planner and implementer of promotions to generate income and augment listener base ( Days of Summer, Business Fair Showcase, Prom Fashion Show, Quarterly Book Promotions, st Annual Chili Cook-off)
• Managed broadcast schedule for all trade accounts
• Innovator of novel promotions to maintain and grow commercial client base
• Career mentor: invited media professionals to serve as guest speakers at local schools

PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Motion Media Arts Center. Austin, TX, April -May
(currently, Austin School for Film and Media Arts)
• Organized and facilitated local film festival: solicited participants, compiled film footage and sound track, digitized analog film submissions
• Co-wrote grants with Executive Director and Education Director
• Wrote, formatted, and submitted weekly e-newsletter to + members
• Maintained database of membership and program schedule in Excel

AMERICORPS PARTICIPANT: AmeriCorps, Communities in Schools. Austin, TX, March -July
• Produced and edited documentary short film on children’s perceptions of the Communities in Schools mentorship program; trained interviewees on film equipment usage
• Tutored and served role model for -fifth grade children in mathematics and English

PROGRAMMING INTERN: VTV/Varsity Television. Austin, TX, March -July
• Arbitrator of entry submissions for national video award contest (V Award) for high school students
• Screened television show pilots for inclusion in on-demand television network
• Contacted music production companies for videos for proposed in-house music show

M.A. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION, American University. Washington, DC, August
B.S. COMMUNICATIONS. (Minor in theater & sociology) Ohio University. Athens, OH, June
Completed one year of coursework in Acting. Wright State University. Dayton, OH, September -July

Advisory board member of Salvation Army, Temple, Texas, October -August