Women's Job List

Telesales Consultant Resume

Personal details

Surname: Mnikina
Name: Aviwe
Gender: Female
Nationality: South Africa
Marital Status: Single
Health: Good
Criminal Record: None
Contact Details:

Language Proficiency:

Fully Bilingual: English & Xhosa

Educational History

Matric: Cambridge High School
Subjects: English st hg C
Xhosa nd hg B
Math hg D
Science sg C
Biology hg C
Accounting hg B

Tertiary: Tshwane University of Technology
Subjects completed: Maths I & II
Programming I & II
Electrical Engineering I
Electronics I & II
Digital Systems I & II
Computer Skills I
Communication Skills I
Network Systems II & III

Achivements :

Matriculated with a B Aggregate

Personal References:

Lulutho Stuurman
Relationship: Half sister

Wiseman Mandla Matsimbi
Occupation: Java Developer
Company: UCS Software
Work no.:
Cell no.: