Women's Job List

Data Converstion Operator Resume

Regarding: Clerical, Secretarial, Data Entry, Bookkeeping

To Whom It May Concern:

As an experienced data entry specialist with an AS Degree in Secretarial Science from Indian
River Community College, Ft. Pierce, FL, I would like to speak to you about any clerical, secretarial, data entry, or bookkeeping position you have available.

I would like to offer my valuable knowledge and education. I have over years of clerical
& data entry experience. I have Internet access and an active email address. I have
excellent computer, web search, and typing skills.

You need someone who will take initiative and be self motivated. I have the ability to work
independently and professionally with the client. I am a reliable worker and able to handle the
responsibilities of working at home. I have excellent verbal and written communication skills.

I will meet deadlines and can do any job assigned to me. I have creative ability and can
handle the responsibilities of working at home.

You need someone who is organized. I am efficient, accurate in my office work and am
able to follow directions.

Because of my education and experience, I feel I have the needed experience as well
as the education for the job.

I have knowledge of MS Word and other word processing experience.

I am more than willing to learn any new steps or any other information needed.

I am available to begin work as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

For any other information please contact:

Debra Engholm

Shell Rd.
Dunlap, TN