Women's Job List

sales Resume

( Cell )Career ObjectiveTO OBTAIN A FULL-TIME POSITION IN THE MEDICAL FIELD AS A PHLEBOTOMIST, MEDICAL OFFICE RECEPTIONIST,CERTIFIED NURSES AIDE, COUNSELOR AIDE,OR OUTREACH WORKER.Summary of QualificationsI HAVE WORKED IN THE NURSING FIELD FOR ALMOST YEARS. I HAVE ALSO DONE HOME HEALTH WORK. I FEEL THAT I WOULD BE A GREAT ASSET TO THE COMPANY.I AM ALSO TRAINED IN SUCCESSFULLY DOING VENIPUNCTURES.ALSO WORKED AS A COUNSLEORS AIDE AND CORRECTION OFFICEWork HistoryJan , BEHAVIORAL COUNSELING GROUP - Port Arthur, TexasCOUNSELOR AIDEHELPING CHILDREN TO OPEN UP ABOUT PROBLEMS THEY ARE HAVING EITHER IN THEIR HOME LIFE OR AT SCHOOL. Sep , Christus- St Mary Hospital - Port Arthur, TexasCertified Nurse\'s AssistantTaking care of patients, doing vital signs,sometimes ekg\'s. since I have been at St. Mary\'s it has been a good experience. Nov , - Mar , Target - Port Arthur, TexasSalesworking in the jewlwry department , assisting guest with questions or concerns about the different types of jewlery. Nov , - Dec , Larry Gist State Jail - Beaumont, TexasCorrectional Officerkeeping inmates in order Jan , - Oct , GOODWILLCASHIER Oct , - Apr , SISTER THEA BOWMANAFTER SCHOOL ATTENDENT EducationJan - May Lamar State College Orange - Orange, TexasEducation Level: years college, technical or vocational schoolMinor: Medical ReceptionistGraduated: Yes TrainingJun , - Jun , Southwest CertificationsPhlebotomyLearning the art of drawing blood from a person. Also learning different types of needle sticks and differnt techniques.Status: Completed Occupational License/CertificationSTATE OF TEXAS - TexasCERTIFIED NURSES AIDECertification LAMAR STATE COLLEGE ORANGE - ORANGE, TexasMEDICAL RECEPTIONISTCertification Connie C Williams - Beaumont, TexasPhlebotomy TechnicianCertificationIssued: Jun , Expires: Jun , Occupational ExperienceHome Health Aides ( yrs mos ). Administers prescribed oral medication under written direction of physician or as directed by home care nurse and aide. to years. Assists patients into and out of bed, automobiles, or wheelchair, to lavatory, and up and down stairs. to years. Changes bed linens, washes and irons patient\'s laundry, and cleans patient\'s quarters. to years. Entertains patient, reads aloud, and plays cards and other games with patient. to years. Maintains records of services performed and of apparent condition of patient. to years. Massages patient and applies preparations and treatment, such as liniment or alcohol rubs and heat-lamp stimulation. to years. Performs variety of miscellaneous duties as requested, such as obtaining household supplies and running errands. to years. Purchases, prepares, and serves food for patient and other members of family, following special prescribed diets. to years Nursing Aides, Orderlies, and Attendants ( yrs mos ). Administers catheterizations, bladder irrigations, enemas, and douches. Training only. Administers massages and alcohol rubs. to years. Assists patient to walk. to years. Bathes, grooms, and dresses patients. to years. Cleans room and changes linen. to years. Feeds patients unable to feed themselves. to years. Measures and records food and liquid intake and output. to years. Measures and records vital signs. to years. Prepares food trays. to years. Transports patient to areas, such as operating and x-ray rooms. to years. Turns and re-positions bedfast patients, alone or with assistance, to prevent bedsores. to years Retail Salespersons ( yrs mos ) Demonstrators and Product Promoters ( yrs mos ) Office Clerks, General ( yrs mos ). Answers telephone, responds to requests, delivers messages, and runs errands. to years. Collects, counts, and disburses money, completes banking transactions, and processes payroll. to years. Communicates with customers, employees, and other individuals to disseminate or explain information. to years. Compiles, copies, sorts, and files records of office activities, business transactions, and other activities. Training only. Operates office machines, such as photocopier, telecopier, and personal computer. Less than year Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other ( yrs mos ) Computer SkillsTyping Speed: Words Per Minute Language SkillsEnglish Additional SkillsCASHIERING WORK;COUNTER SALES;APPAREL;RETAIL SALES;SALESCLERKING;WHOLESALE SALES;WOMENS SHOES;WOMENS WEAR;WORD PROCESSING PC SOFTWARE;SALES WORK;NURSING ASSISTING;MENS WEAR;GENERAL CLERICAL WORK Driver\'s LicenseClass C - Standard Driver\'s LicenseTexasReferencesJeretha BriscoTeacherTekoa Academy of Accelerated Studies Richard HolmesCorrectional OfficerTexas Dept. Of CCriminal Justice Donald FinkleyAssociateTarget