Women's Job List

Adult Case Manager Resume


Life Management Center Adult Case Manager
Lafayette Street / - current
Marianna, Fl. /-/

-LMC is a community mental health center. My job involves assisting individuals with mental health issues to prevent them from further hospitalizations and to link them with needed resources.

HopeHaven of NW Georgia Case Coordinator
Newton Bridge Road / – /
Athens, GA.

-HopeHaven is a work center for the developmentally challenged. This job involved constructing goals for individuals and assisting them with achieving these goals. I also assisted these individuals with community integration.

Sunland Center Recreational Aid
Highway / – /
Marianna, FL.

-Sunland is a residential community for the developmentally challenged. This job involved socializing with individuals and assisting them with leisure activities.

University of West Florida B.A. Psychology/
Pensacola, FL.
Chipola College A.A. Journalism /
Marianna, FL.