Women's Job List

Legal Intern Resume

Carmen Beatriz Huaman-Vega
Littleton Rd., Garfield Heights, OH
Phone: , E-mail:


Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Cleveland, OH
LL.M. in U.S. Legal Studies with Honors including all Immigration courses
Member of Hispanic Club Association, Student Bar Association, Student Ohio Bar Association
Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, OH
Master in Arts Leadership and Management,
GPA: ./.
San Marcos University School of Law, Lima, Peru
Master in Criminal Law,
San Marcos University School of Law, Lima, Peru
B.A. in Law and Political Science,


Law Offices of Natalie Grubb, Medina, OH
Law Clerk, Internship, June
Association of Cooperate Counsel Northeast Ohio Chapter NEOACCA, Cleveland, OH
Brief Advice & Referral Clinic, April
Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Cleveland, OH
Conduct research in Patent Law for Professor Craig Nard, September
Ashland Theological Seminary Library, Ashland, OH
Librarian’s Assistant June - May
Processed books, assisted patrons research, helped with the reclassification to the Library Congress system.
Military Supreme Court, Lima, Peru
Prosecutor’s Consultant, March - December
Prepared the indictment in cases that were on appeal before the Supreme Military Court
Public Defender, August - January
International Institute, Lima, Peru
Conducting the Legal Clinic Aid, June - January
Lima Bar Association, Lima, Peru
Arbiter in Intellectual Property Law,


Fluent in Spanish; reading Portuguese.