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Kristi Canada
Ouachita , Camden, AR Cell
Objective Entry Level position with local business.
Associate of Science Degree, Business Administration
SAU Tech, Camden, AR
Related course work: business law, macro economics, microeconomics, quantitative analysis, and Business Information Systems.
Associate of Applied Science Degree, Computer Information Technology
SAU Tech, Camden, AR
Related course work: Basic and Advanced computer troubleshooting, Intro to Security, Information Security, Project Management, Client/ Server, Active Directory, and Help Desk.
Graduated with a GPA of . on a . scale. Completed: May
Work experience
• Answered phones for the Admissions Offices at SAU Tech.
• Organized student admissions and testing records.
• Managed PBL chapter finances for two years, including collecting dues.
• Carried a full course load while serving as chapter officer and working as a student worker and crew member at Arby’s.
• Faxing and copying information.
• Organized and executed fundraising events for local Phi Beta Lambda chapter.
• Suggestive sells experience.
• Presented monthly financial reports to chapter members of Phi Beta Lambda.
• Served as Vice President and Treasurer of the SAU Tech chapter of Phi Beta Lambda
•Member of Phi Theta Kappa
Crew, Arby’s (US Beef Corp), Camden, AR (May - May )
Student Worker/Office assistant, SAU Tech, Camden, AR (August - May )