Women's Job List

Fresher looking for a job where i can show my talent in the way of company impro Resume


-A, Southmadavilagam,
Tiruvarur. -

E-mail: Mobile No:

Career Objective

Seeking a challenging position where I can effectively contribute my technical skills and
Innovative ideas

Educational attainments

Examination Discipline/specialization School/college Year of passing Percentage%
B.TechHSCSSLC Industrial BiotechnologyScience + Maths streamSSLC Kamaraj College of Engg and Tech Virdhunagar.G.R.M. girl&#;s Higher Secondary school, Tiruvarur.G.R.M. girl's Higher Secondary school, Tiruvarur. %.%.%

Soft Skills

· Working knowledge in Ms-word, Ms-excel, Ms-power point

Technical work

· Literature collection on &#;Traditional health care products for the adverse effects of synthetic hormones&#;
· Literature collection on &#;Preparation of Bio varnish from skin of pomegranate&#;

Academic project

· Isolation, characterization, purification and standardization of alkaline protease enzyme from (Marine Bacteria) vibrio alginolytics

Techniques involved:

· Small scale fermentation
· Purification techniques: precipitation, dialysis, centrifugation
· Bio mass estimation
· Enzymatic assays

Co curricular Activities:

· IPR & Patent Awareness organized at Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi.
· Attended Entrepreneurship development programme.
· Attended Personality Development programme in Kanykumari.

Extra curricular Activities:

· Interested to attending as well as got prizes from Drama and poem competition
· Active participation in N.S.S

Personal Details:

Father&#;s Name : K. Ravindran
Date of Birth : ...
Nationality : Indian.
Languages Known : English, Tamil
Hobbies : Listening Music, Playing Chess and Reading books.
Home Number :


If given an opportunity I will prove my worth to the company. I hereby declare that all the information stated above is true to the best of my knowledge


(R.Sri Jaya Sathyavathi)