The Most Visited Job Board For Women For Over 20 Years
• Manage Corporate Wellness Program including: managing client accounts, coordinating client events, scheduling staff to deliver services, processing contracts, and billing.
• Coordinate and deliver education programs and screenings to Lourdes Employees.
• Market holistic wellness programs and services to Lourdes Employees and the local community.
• Manage all aspects of an older adult wellness program including developing a yearly activity calendar, securing guest speakers, registering participants, delivering educational seminars and performing various screenings.
Health Promotion Council of Southeastern PA
Philadelphia, PA
• Managed a community based program focusing on chronic disease prevention, nutrition and physical activity in targeted communities including: budget management, program development and implementation, evaluation and reporting. Established and maintained relationships with community organizations, residents’ associations, churches, recreation centers, parenting groups and City Health Care Centers.
• Developed and implemented nutrition education interventions for residents living in shelters and transitional housing. Scheduled monthly programs at sites, reaching approximately adults and children per month. Expanded education programs to include job training sites, which serviced shelter residents. Scheduled and conducted focus groups as well as interpret results and report findings. Developed culturally appropriate low-literacy handouts and training materials.
• Coordinated, scheduled and implemented tobacco control activities aimed at reducing the sale of tobacco products to minors including processing information for compliance checks, educating licensed tobacco vendors on the sale of tobacco products to minors, and participating in various advocacy activities.
• Coordinated, scheduled and conducted yearly ServSafe food safety certification courses.
• Recruited and interviewed student interns for various projects.
• Coordinated HIPPA activities in compliance with federal regulations.
American Lung Association of Pennsylvania, Plymouth Meeting, PA
• Developed, administered, implemented and evaluated American Lung Association asthma education programs. Expanded programs in elementary schools throughout the county area. Coordinated asthma education activities for annual asthma camp serving over inner city youth annually.
• Provided resources and guidance to numerous coalitions and task forces related to lung disease and other lung health issues.
• Expanded and maintained relationships with hospitals, health care agencies and schools to form collaborative partnerships.
• Assisted in coordinating special events and fund raising activities.
Debbie Jankowski
American Cancer Society of Pennsylvania – Southeast Region, Chalfont, PA
• Served as a liaison between the American Cancer Society and various community organizations including: hospitals, health departments, church groups, local businesses, and schools. Recruited healthcare professionals for volunteer speaker bureau. Coordinated cancer awareness programs in at risk communities. Established new client bases in various geographical areas by promoting programs and services.
• Developed a Cancer Detection Workgroup Committee consisting of volunteers. Collaborated with the Workgroup to develop an action plan for outreach programs specific to breast cancer. Conducted targeted awareness campaigns in designated communities.
• Conducted a Community Assessment including: data collection, analysis, identification of underserved communities and high risk populations.
• Referred over uninsured and underinsured women to facilities for free mammography screenings.
Health Promotion Council Of Southeastern PA
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
• Created, developed, presented and evaluated health education & wellness programs for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health. Programs have been presented to more than , municipal employees and over community groups. Topics include nutrition, physical fitness, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stress.
• Served as Senior Project Coordinator for the National Men’s Health & Fitness Conference and Exposition. Planned, coordinated and facilitated monthly meetings for Committees and Sub-Committees. Planned, coordinated and implemented a Health Fair consisting of health screenings and workshop presentations.
• Coordinated and conducted blood pressure and cholesterol screenings at over sites.
• Conduct job task analysis for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which included: research, data collection, interviews, and on-site observations.
American Red Cross, Philadelphia, PA
• Marketed, planned and administered American Red Cross Health and Safety Programs to the community and corporations. Increased corporate client base by %.
• Recruited, trained and scheduled over instructors and volunteers.
September - March PROGRAM DIRECTOR
Frankford YWCA, Philadelphia, PA
• Managed all facets of Aquatic and Health & Fitness Departments including: budget planning, supervising staff and volunteers, and program planning & implementation.
• Expanded Aquatic and Health Fitness Departments by adding eight new programs. Increased program attendance %.
• Developed policy manual for Aquatic and Health & Fitness employees.
• Created, developed, implemented and presented a Community Health Outreach Program. Topics include: nutrition, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, exercise, and home safety. Programs were presented to local Senior Citizen groups.
• Served as Branch Administrator overseeing activities of employees throughout five departments
Debbie Jankowski
• Master of Education: Exercise Physiology
• Bachelor of Science Recreation Management
• Certified Health Education Specialist
• PA Certification in Blood Pressure Measurement
• American Lung Association Freedom From Smoking Facilitator
• Certified Tutor in Adult Literacy
• Certified Tutor in English as a Second Language
• ServSafe Instructor
• ServSafe Food Safety Certification
• City of Philadelphia, Department of Public Health Food Establishment Personnel Food Safety Certification
• Presented at The American Council for Fitness and Nutrition(ACFN) “TRIUMPH” (Trends, Resources and Inspirations for Understanding and Maintaining Physical Health in Pennsylvania) (July )
• Guest instructor for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Class at Cabrini College (March , March and February )
• Appeared as a panelist on local TV program Newsprobe (May ). Topic discussed was “Managing Stress in the “’s.”
• Presented at the Pennsylvania Public Health Association Conference (October ). Topic presented: “Save A Life…YOURS!” Firefighters Take Charge in the Kitchen. A Nutrition Education Program for Fire Fighters.
• Co-author “The Philadelphia Police Department’s Response to the Americans with Disabilities Act” Police Chief Magazine (March )
American Lung Association, Plymouth Meeting PA
• Direct over campers and parents on check in procedures for annual asthma camp.
Frankford and Northeast YWCA, Philadelphia PA
• Teach all levels of swimming to children, adults, and the physically challenged for over years.
Center For Literacy, Philadelphia, PA
• One-on one reading tutor for adult student.
• Volunteer Tutor Speaker for Annual Student/Teacher Recognition Event.