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Kara Miranda
Objective My goal is to explore new opportunities; expand my business knowledge and to use my skills and strong work ethic to bring a positive attitude, and a fresh, new prospective to your business; as well as, to help create an efficient, well executed product while working from home.
Experience Midwest Regional Medical Center MWC, OK
Administrative Assistant (Home Health Department)
Logged/Tracked confidential patient information via computer data base, paperwork, and verbal correspondence.
Worked closely with the DON, case-manager nurses, HHA’s, PT’s, OT’s.
Effectively utilized computers/computer programs to input/update patient information; billing data; assisted with troubleshooting patient info. And billing updates/errors.
Miranda Transcription MWC, OK
Home Business Venture
Provided accurate medical transcription services for a physical therapist.
Transported confidential information/reports from home to office daily.
Implemented professional computer/communication skills daily.
- Mid-Del Public School District MWC, OK
Executive Secretary to Assistant Superintendent of Personnel
Communicated daily with school district administrators, site principals, teachers, school board members and support employees regarding a wide variety of employment/personnel issues.
Responsible for creating/proofing/tracking spreadsheets related to all areas of personnel/human resources data/activity.
Provided reports/information regularly to the State Dept. of Education of Oklahoma.
Monitored and tracked all job postings and staff allotments.
Assisted all employees through the hiring process; verifications of employment; salary calculations and all related information.
Utilize computer programs to access/enter/track information; generated requisitions and reports; track budgets.
– To Current
• Office Manager/Closing Coordinator for Prudential Alliance Real Estate Group and currently hold a Provisional Oklahoma Real Estate License
Job Duties:
- Ensure REALTORS® have required; proper paper work, i.e. Signatures on contracts and all other docs
- Train REALTORS® on all office procedures; computer/copier-printer-fax equipment and proper phone etiquette
- Office newsletter editor
- Order All office forms/supplies
- Correspond daily with lenders, title companies, clients, and other REALTORS®
- Audit./Troubleshoot Files for correct contracts, disclosures, etc.
Education Rose State College MWC, OK
Working toward associate’s degree in Health Information Technology.
(Total hours completed to date = )
Mid-Del Technology Center (MDTC) MWC, OK
• Completed Medical Transcription course; earned certificate.
Skills Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel Spreadsheets, AS data base system; able to learn, comprehend and utilize new computer programs; excellent phone/people skills; able to evaluate, discern and find solutions to obstacles/problems.
Personal Interests: Raising children to be kind, caring, productive adults; Spending time with friends and family; Reading; Being a positive example.
References Available Upon Request