Women's Job List

Administrative Resume

Dispatch/ Purchasing and administrative skills. Telephone customer service, scheduling, record keeping, order taking, billing & adjustments, shipping orders, scheduling customer pickups, tracking customer orders, file keeping, correspondence customer and vendors, report follow up with customers, claims reports and forms, date input payroll, payroll reports, accounts receivable, shipping time sensitive material, company pickups, interoffice communication, radio and telephone communication with drivers for time sensative materials, research, order follow-up with customers, spread sheets, computer proficient,, credit & collections, interview perspective clients, computer reports, print outs, mailings, data entry. dictation from tape,, review, analyze accounts and reports.

Switch board/ multi phone systems, Computers: IBM, Dell, Gateway; Fax machines, various types of copiers; telex machine; micro fische machine; Card swipe machines; Cash register, Scanners; Stamp machines, recording devices

U P S , Oak Avenue, Lawnside, NJ - years / to / Dispatch Supervisor

Camden County College,
Business related courses to positions management/ business /
Philadelphia Purchasing Organizations
Member: courses for purchasing, beginner and advanced
Microsoft /excel courses, payroll courses, customer service courses
FHA certified / Dot courses, Computer classes, Supervision Classes and courses
Safety courses