The Most Visited Job Board For Women For Over 20 Years
( C )
/ Graduate, Columbia Southern University, SC (BS Env. Eng.)
/ Central Kentucky Technical College, Environmental Technician
/ Graduate, Regents College, Albany, NY (Assoc. of Science)
/ to / Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY (Undergraduate)
/ Graduate, Louisville Male High School, Louisville, KY
/ to Present – Curtis Maruyasu, Lebanon, KY
Environmental Engineer, Responsible for the Facility Air
Permit, KPDES Permit, Hazardous Materials and waste permits and
Compliance, ISO Certification, Federal and State reporting
of all activities and Form R. ISO auditor and certification
Representative. Maintain Best Management Activities with
Regard to all Environmental Activities within three plants in the
US. Assist Safety Manager with Safety Programs and Inspections.
/ to / – Bosch-Rexroth, Lexington, KY
Environmental Safety Coordinator. Responsible for the Facility OSHA
Safety Program, ISO Certification, Federal and State reporting
of KPDES and Hazardous waste activities and Form R. ISO
auditor and certification Representative. Chemical Inventory control
and management. Maintain MSDS library, safety training
and records for lock out tag out, PPE, emergency response, Confined
space, ergonomics as well as Injuries/Illness reporting. Stormwater
sampling for KPDES Compliance. Train the Trainer certification
for forklift operations. Conduct accident investigations and
corrective actions. Risk Assessments for safety and environmental
areas. Maintain Air Permit, Water and Wastewater permit.
/ to /- Panasonic Home Appliances of North America, Danville, KY.
Environmental Safety Manager. Responsible for the Facility OSHA
Safety Program, ISO Certification, Federal and State reporting
of KPDES and Hazardous waste activities and Form R. ISO
auditor and certification Representative. Chemical Inventory control
and management. Maintain MSDS library, safety training
and records for lock out tag out, PPE, emergency response, Confined
space, ergonomics as well as Injuries/Illness reporting. Stormwater
sampling for KPDES Compliance. Train the Trainer certification
for forklift operations. Conduct accident investigations and
corrective actions. Risk Assessments for safety and environmental
/ to / -Murakami Manufacturing, Campbellsville, Ky
Environmental/Safety Representative. Responsible for the
Facility OSHA safety program, OSHAS certification,
Federal and State reporting of air, water, wastewater, and
Hazardous waste activities. ISO auditor and certification
Representative. Maintain MSDS library, safety training and
Injuries/Illness reporting. Stormwater sampling for compliance
And air opacity logs. Training for Forklift, Lock out Tag out.
Ergonomics. Quality Circle Leader.
/ to /-University of Kentucky, College of Pharmacy, Lexington, KYOccupational Safety Officer for the College under the Assistant
Dean. Environmental Compliance Officer. In charge of Laboratory
Safety and training, Chemical Safety and reporting for the College.
Chemical Inventory, Assure compliance with State and Federal
Regulations. Hazardous materials Management, disposal and
inventory. Radiation Safety Officer and Occupational Safety
Representative. Serve on College Safety Committee and represent
the College at the Campus Level. Manage and maintain physical
inventory for college. Assist In implementation standard operating
procedures for labs. Serve on Staff Council for College. UK
Campus Safety Award , Employee of Year Award .
/ to /- USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services, Frankfort, KY
Biological Lab Technician. Daily duties include performance of
Various serological tests on cattle and swine for Brucellosis screen,
Rivanol tests and pseudorabies virus assays. Sample preparation and
Shipping, and data entry. Training includes two years lab training on
Job site and experience in college lab setting. Safety and health
Manager for office/field. Served as Regional and State
Health and Safety Committee representing Kentucky and Tennessee
For USDA Labs. Awarded USDA Safety Employee of the year.
Volunteered at local environmental lab processing samples for
Various company pollution permits etc…
/ to /- Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Georgetown, KY
Environmental/Safety Office, Assistant to manager. Completed
Title V, SARA and KDEPS water reports. Reviewed and
Approved msds materials for compliance assurance. Assisted with
HAZWASTE audits, disposal and shipments. Performed ISO
Internal Audits. Performed water sampling on-site for permit
Compliance and Water Lab Analysis. Performed Safety Inspections
on-line and was responsible for PPE Use, distribution, and proper
wear of PPE for all team members.
/ to /- Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Georgetown, KY
Team member, serving on-line needs with team leader course
completion and quality circle leader training. Served in Paint shop
and Assembly.
WORD/Windows Powerpoint, EXCEL and flowchart training.
Interpersonal Communication Skills
JIT Instruction technique/Quality Circle Leadership training
ISO EMS Auditors Course QSD ,,
EMS Representative and auditor
Problem solving skills
OSHA CFR . training
Water Plant Operators Certification Course
Lab Analyst (KWWOA) for water and wastewater plants(water quality)
OSHA Compliance Experience
Safety and Health management training, and DOT Hazardous Materials Training
Operate and Maintain Lab equipment including, Centrifuge, Incubator, Sterile Dish bath,
Serological Wash baths, Spectrophotometer, autoclaves, hot plates, fume hoods, etc…
Radiation Safety Training ; Environmental. Field Sampling for water and soil.
OSHA CFR Compliance Training and Certified Safety Professional
Kentucky State Air permitting training
RCRA training certification
CPR and First aid Certification
Forklift Operators Training Certification