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ANURADHA G. M C Nagar, Chitlapakkam Chennai
Ph: () ,
Educational Qualification :
College: Madras Christian College (Autonomous) affiliated to University of Madras
B. Sc. Statistics .%
M. Sc. Statistics .%
Thesis: Multivariate Analysis of Ability Scores - Multivariate analysis of the ability scores of three different systems of education namely the State Board, the Central Board and the Matriculation of tenth standard students.
M. Phil. Statistics %
Thesis: Standardization and Transformation in Multivariate Analysis, with application to Nutritional Data - discusses the performance of the four different transformations, namely, simple standardization, logarithmic, rank and standardized logarithmic in analysing nutritional data. Apart from discussing the performance of the aforesaid four transformations in analysing nutritional data, it also estimates the missing values of the nutrients of some food items, investigates the nutrient structure pattern, in absence of any other information, investigates the group structure of food items.
Work Experience:
Name of the Company M S SWAMINATHAN RESEARCH FOUNDATIONrd Cross Street, Taramani Institutional Area, Chennai
DesignationProject Senior ScientistB V Rao Centre for Food Security
Period of experience August ' – till date
Software skills:
Operating systems : Dos ., Windows .
Languages : Basic, Fortran, Cobal, Pascal, C.
Packages : MS-Office, SPSS for windows, NTSYS.
A brief summary of the nature of work:
Nature of Work: Compilation of data from different sources, Analysis and Interpretation of data from different fields such as biology, ecology, sociology, agriculture, etc. using SPSS for Windows.
· Statistical Analysis for the Report “Food Security Atlas of Cambodia” sponsored by the World Food Programme, Cambodia.
· Statistical Analysis for the State level Food Security Reports.
· Statistical Analysis for the Report “ Atlas of the Sustainability of Food Security” sponsored by the World Food Programme. Calculation and interpretation of the Indices of the various parameters, which directly or indirectly account for the food insecurity status of India.
· Statistical Analysis for the Report “Food Insecurity Atlas of Rural India” and “Food Insecurity Atlas of Urban India”, sponsored by the World Food Programme. Calculation and interpretation of the Indices of the various parameters, which directly or indirectly account for the food insecurity status of rural India. The data used for the analysis was from the Government Reports and other secondary sources. Based on the analysis maps were prepared.
· Designing a questionnaire, analysing the data and interpretation in a social work project related to breast feeding and malnutrition studies in different ecosystems of Tamil Nadu.
· Preparing training materials in Tamil to train the local volunteers in the Agrobiodiversity Conservation Corps which is a project sponsored by the Netherlands Ministry.
· Involved in designing a datasheet, analysis of data related to invertebrates in Great Nicobar Island. The Government of India sponsored this project.
· Analysis of data in the project Rejuvenation and restoration of Mangroves in Bhitarkanika, Orissa which was sponsored by the NORAD
· Other than project assignments, analysis such as Experimental designs, Regression, Cluster Analysis, Curve Fitting, etc were performed for students who were doing their Doctoral degree.
· All the analysis was done using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), which is a powerful tool for multivariate analysis. For convenience, MS EXCEL was also used.
· Bagawandas, M. and Anuradha, G. () Statistical analysis of nutritional characteristics of certain food groups, Paper presented at the symposium on measurement of change in maternal and child health, Madras.
· Daniels, R.J.R., Vencatesan, J. and Anuradha, G. () Biodiversity Indexing in Agriculture: Landscapes to Species – a training module for the FARM/FAO/UNDP, M S Swaminathan Research Foundation, Madras, pp. .
· Daniels, R.J.R. and Anuradha, G. () Ambient Temperature influences the Population Count of Frogs, Cobra , -.
· Daniels, R.J.R., Vencatesan, J. and Anuradha, G. () Application of Biotechnologies at the Field Site for Adoption by Rainfed Farming Communities emphasising Participatory Approaches - Bioindexing and Biomonitoring, Paper presented at the Regional Training cum Workshop of the FARM /FAO -UNDP, Chennai.
Prof. V B AthreyaProgramme Director, Food Security Studies, M S Swaminathan Research Foundation, Taramani, Chennai Dr. S. RajagopalanDistinguished FellowM S Swaminathan Research FoundationTaramani, Chennai
Personal Details:
Date of Birth :
Martial Status : Married