The Most Visited Job Board For Women For Over 20 Years
Permanent Address:
A.V.Lalitha Phani,
W/o. S.Siva Srinivas,
H.No:--/, rd Floor,
Nirmal Residency, Srinivaspuram,
Ramanthpoor, Hyderabad -
June, ,
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am currently working as a Assistant Professor in Physics in Indhra Reddy Engineering College in Chevalla, Hyderabad . My background in physics and electronics has prepared me for such a career. Teaching and research had always interested me. Seven years of Science education at college and University provided me with a strong grounding in the above subjects and related disciplines.
After finishing University studies I took up teaching, as it was my career goal. I taught both theory and Laboratory courses in physics and electronics at basic and advanced level for more than years. This experience gave me new insights into the subjects I taught and broadened my understanding of these subjects.
I have excellent communication skills, which I have gained through my various job experiences thus far. I am a quick learner and I require minimal supervision. I am confident that I have the necessary skills for this post as both my degree and my work experience have provided a useful background.
I would like to thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you and having the opportunity to discuss this position further in an interview.
Thanking you.
With Regards,
Avancha Venkata Lalitha Phani
Avancha Venkata Lalitha Phani, M.Sc
W/o. S.Siva Srinvias, H.No: --/, rd floor, Nirmal Residency, Srinivaspuram,
Ramanthpoor, Hyderabad-, A.P. India.
Ph: Cell: /
Objective Adjunct Teaching position in Physics.
· Accomplished lecturer and dedicated scholar
· Demonstrated ability to clarify difficult concepts and to inspire students
· Received consistently glowing evaluations from students and supervising administrators
Formal Education
Diploma in NanoScience and Technology from NanoScience Technology Sensitization Consortium (NSTC), Pune, India.
Masters in Science (Physics) Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi, A.P. India
(Specialization: Digital and Analogue Electronics & Communication Electronics and Microprocessors)
Bachelor of Science Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi, A.P. India
(Mathematics, Physics, Electronics)
Intermediate ( + ) Board of Intermediate Education, Hyderabad, A.P.
(Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry)
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor October to till date
P.Indhra Reddy Memorial Engineering College, Chevella, R.R. District. . A.P. India
Teaches Solid State Physics & Engineering Physics.
Physics Teacher September to --
Asmara Technical School, P.O.Box No:, Asmara, Erithrea, North East Africa.
Physics Lecturer .. to --.
Holy Jesus & Mary Degree & P.G. College for Women, Secunderabad, A.P. Ph.No:--,
Handled Degree Class.
Physics Lecturer July to April .
Kurnool Degree College, Kurnool, A.P. Ph.No:-
Teaches with Mechanics and Waves and Oscillations for st year Degree and Thermodynamics and Modern Physics,
Electricity and Magnetism for II and III year degree students respectively.
Physics Lecturer -- to --.
Sri Vijaya Durga Degree College, Kurnool,A.P. Ph.No:-
Prepared and scored student exams, tutored and advised students including special needs student.
Seminars: Attended National level Program on Advanced Nano technology program in Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Computer Skills
Windows . C Programming
Windows // Java
MS Office
Papers Taught
I taught the following papers at Undergraduate level:
. Mechanics & waves and Oscillations
. Thermodynamics
. Electricity & Magnetism
. Modern Physics
. Fundamentals of Electronics
. Electronics Materials and Devices
. Operational Amplifiers, Digital Electronics and Communications
. Basic Language
Head of The Department (ECE & EEE)
P.I.R.M.Engineering College.
. P. Sunitha,
Asst.Prof in Comp. Science ,
. Dr.Pandu,
Head of The Department of Mathematics,