Women's Job List

Computer Cooridnator Resume


Livingston County Senior Nutrition Program
Computer Coordinator-Program Assistant Jan. to Present
This is a part-time position operating as the computer coordinator for the Livingston-Western Oakland County Senior Nutrition Programs (Meals on Wheels). This is a non-profit organization providing in excess of meals daily to two county’s senior citizens. Position involves data entry utilizing Xcel spreadsheets, SERVtracker, and MS office products. Under the guidance of the Program manager, additional responsibilities include general administrative duties, developing monthly newsletters for both county programs to be distributed to clients, local county officials and donors who generously support the program. Daily maintenance of this data base system includes the appropriate tracking of client demographical information, service delivery schedules, and services provided. Additional duties include general office duties, mailing, phones, and generating required monthly reports for submission to the appropriate agencies that subsidize funding.

Indiana Department of Education - Indianapolis, Indiana
Manager of School Nutrition Programs
The Division of School and Community Nutrition is the administering agency for the U.S. Department of Agriculture\'s Child Nutrition Programs. My tenure began initially as a Field Consultant, progressing to the Assistant Manager of Field Operations then as Manager of the school related nutrition programs. These positions involved the training of department staff and consultants to conduct compliance reviews, interpret and enforcing federal regulations and overseeing distribution of USDA funds. Collaborative relationships were maintained with many governmental agencies and other organizations thus allowing me to function as a liaison between Indiana schools and these various entities. Responsible for creating and developing educational and training materials for school food service as well and conducting workshops for various food service personnel throughout the state. Supervised the development of monitoring tools and software applications to be used by consultants. Editor of divisions’ quarterly newsletter sent to over schools and other community nutrition participants.

American Village Retirement Center - Indianapolis, Indiana
Assistant Dietary Manager
Assisted in the ongoing daily operation of the Dietary Department of a bed extended care facility under the direction of the Food Service Director. Duties included: supervision of - employees, assisting in the inventory and purchasing of food and supplies and planning and preparing special activities for the residents. Supervised the daily assembly and delivery of meals to residents. Operated in the capacity of a Dietetic Technician performing nutritional screenings and assessment of residents. Responsible for the daily charting and evaluation of resident\'s nutritional status and calculation of special diets as ordered by physicians. Developed menus and coordinating daily assembly of meals for Meals on Wheels program offered through this facility.

Indiana University Medical Center - Indianapolis, Indiana
Dietetic Technician
Supervised employees in a decentralized kitchen facility. Directly supervised two meal services daily, including patient tray assembly and delivery. Responsible for the daily updating of patients’ charts regarding their nutrition status and the calculation of special diets under the supervision of a Registered Dietitian. Daily checking of patient\'s menu selection to ensure compliance with diet as ordered by physician.


EDUCATION: Ball State University, Muncie, IN
&#; B.S., Home Economics- Emphasis: Food and Nutrition—
Minor: Psychology of Human Development
&#; A.S., Dietetics Technology —

&#; Highly organized, able to work independently and detailed oriented with strong analytic abilities.
&#; Effectively coordinate tasks and complete projects or assignments in a timely manner.
&#; Ability to communicate at various organizational levels and cultivate collaborative relationships.
&#; Computer experience includes word processing, data entry, email, and internet usage.

References available upon request