Women's Job List

R&D Electrical, computer and biomedical engineer Resume

) / University of Rhode Island
Research Assistant (PhD student)

Collaborated in the development of a therapeutic portable system that rapidly cools victims of cardiac arrest outside hospitals.
R & D of a model (Matlab/C++) identifying potential design improvements and new applications.
Preclinical and clinical test experience (protocol, design and running).

***April to March
**Thales Air Defense/ Raytheon, France.
*R & D Software Engineer.

Designed, implemented and integrated new real-time units (programmed in Ada, C languages) in naval and land protection systems.
Project management, software validation experience.

***April to March
*Thomson Defense Armem (Thales corporation), France.
*R & D Computer and Electrical Engineer /Junior team manager

Managed a -people team.
Designed, implemented and validated electronic emulators (simulation of electronic environments) and magnetic simulators (simulation of different types of targets) to test the key functions of a land-protection device: firing, sterilization, power supply etc.
Developed real-time systems, multithread programs using LabWindows/LabView, C, C++.
Project management, software and hardware validation experience.

----- INTERNSHIPS -----
*** months
**Laboratoire d’Electronique Signaux et Images, Orleans, France.
[Laboratory of Electronics specializing in Signals and Images].
*R&D in Biomedical Software Engineering (Grad student)

Implemented in C, C++ an algorithm for outline detection of the heart using Active Polygonal Method in a D-left-ventricle volume deformation reconstruction software.
Software integrated in the Philips ultra-sound system HDI . Validated software.
System resulted in a final product used at the public hospital of Orleans, France.

*** months
**Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, India.
*R&D in Software Engineering (Grad student)
Fully-conceived and developed in C, Fortran a software sorting galaxies.
Sorting approach based on spectral analysis, minimization methods and D reconstruction.

*** months
**Sorelec (company specializing in renewable-energy devices), France
*R&D in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Grad student)

Performed entire research and development of a power-supply-control circuit for solar-powered-LED road signs.
Circuit-board design, microcontroller programming (Microchip, Motorola micro-controllers).
System resulted in a final product sold on the market. Project management experience.

*** months
**Snedheep / Interaide, Pune, India.
*Software Developer (Grad student)

Collaboration of an Indian and a French non-governmental Organizations.
Developed and implemented a bilingual database (English-Marathi) to improve the economic, social support and medical care provided to low socio-economic status populations.
Programming done using Visual Basic (Access database).

----- EDUCATION -----
PhD in Electrical Engineering, specialization in Biomedical Engineering,

-Life Recovery System (Kinnelon, NJ) / University of Rhode Island– USA and University of Orleans- France
-GPA:./. with A=.,
-Thesis title: ”Rapid whole-body hypothermia: Analysis and modeling”

** M.S. Engineering in Biology and Medicine, specialization in Signal and Image Processing,
Medical School of Angers- France

** M.S. Electrical and Computer Science Engineering, specialization in Signal and Image Processing, University of Orleans- France

Since Fall
&#;Facilitate “French Oral Expression” group sessions for students and faculty who are learning and want to practice their French skills. University of Rhode Island, Modern and Classical Languages Department. French Program.

Since April
&#;American Red Cross RI Chapter /Member of the RI Disaster Assistance Team. Worked in Katrina-evacuees shelter in Middleton, RI (Sept ). Chapter award for Katrina relief response in Rhode Island ().

Since May
&#;American Cancer Society, South County, RI: organized a Breast cancer awareness out-reach program in South County (October )

Since March
&#;Mentor undergraduate and graduate minority students belonging to the National Society of Black Engineers, University of Rhode Island (URI) chapter.

&#;Mentored High school and College undergraduate minority students at the New England Board of Higher Education, MIT, Boston MA.

&#;URI Emergency Medical Services Organization: volunteer providing medical services/assistance

&#;Regional Organization of the Deaf: implemented a program providing free interpreters for hearing-impaired people in Orleans, Loiret – France

English: fluent
French: native
Spanish: intermediate level
French Sign Language: intermediate level

*Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society)
*National Society of Black Engineers

&#;Ohley W.J, Schock,R.B., Klock-Frézot J.C., Cote M.,Schofield L., Serra,D., Freedman R., ‘Mild Hypothermia Induced Rapidly in Human Sized Animals,’ Resuscitation Science Symposium Chicago Ill, Circulation, supl II (): (Nov ).
&#;A. Schratter, W. Weihs, M. Holier, A. Janata, W. Beringer, M. Brossard, K. Began, Duo M. Loser, A.N. Logger, W.J. Ohley, J.C. Klock-Frézot, R.B. Schock, F. Sterz. ‘External Cardiac Defibrillation during Wet Surface Cooling in Pigs’. American Heart Association Resuscitation Science Symposium, Chicago, Ill Circulation, supl II (): (Nov )
&#;J.C. Klock-Frézot, W. Ohley, R.B. Schock, M. Cote, L. Schofield, ‘Successful Defibrillation in Water: A Preliminary Study’, th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, New York City, New York, Proceedings IEEE EMBS ():- (Sept )
&#;J.C. Klock-Frézot, W.J. Ohley, R.B. Schock, M. Cote, R. Freeman, L. Schofield, D. Serra, ‘Effective Defibrillation in a Wet Environment: A Preliminary Study’, IEEE nd Annual NorthEastern Bioengineering Conference Easton PA, IEEE EMB Proceedings. ():- (April )
&#;W. Ohley, R. Schock, J.C. Klock-Frézot, L. Schofield, D. Serra, R. Freedman, ‘Induced Rapid Hypothermia in a Large Animal Model: Comparison of Two Noninvasive Cooling Methods’, European Resuscitation Council th Scientific Congress, Norway. Resuscitation,(): (April )