Women's Job List

Business Development/Capture Management Resume

Diane R, Cremer
Pinetree Court
Sterling, VA
, cell

Ms. Cremer utilizes her Executive experience and contacts to develop and capture new business in a supporting highly strategic and complex information technology related programs in federal and state sectors including --supply chain, financial management, logistics, and infrastructure. Over the course of her career, Ms. Cremer has developed and executed strategic business plans for marketing, business development, direct sales, and capture management for winning proposals that have resulted in Corporations increased revenue of over $ Million. She also successfully manages the execution of strategic business development initiatives, develops key Executive client relationships, and key teaming partners relationships.

DoD Secret Clearance

Multimax (previously known as Netco Government Service), Herndon, VA., / to /, Business Development Director/Capture Management
Responsible for identifying new business opportunities in the USAF IT market for Netco. Established a strategic business development initiative, strategic business plan, and a $ Million plus opportunity pipeline for the USAF Enterprise Transformation to consolidate, standardize and manage all Air Force Enterprise infrastructure assets, AF Network Operations (AFNetOps). Established Netco as a value added potential partner for the AFNetOps consolidation and migration of AF Enterprise Network Operations to regional integrated network operations and security centers (I-NOSC). Won a $K strategic task establishing Netco at an AFNetOps strategic location, Scott AFB, IL.
Netco’s subsequent acquisition and merger of Multimax, and corporate decision to retain the Multimax name and brand, and Multimax’s prime contractor position on the AF NetCents IDIQ multiple award contract, provided an opportunity for Netco to become a prime contractor for the AFNetOps strategic initiative and pipeline. As prime, researched and analyzed, and identified value add team member partnerships to execute the AFNetOps strategic plan. Identified and supported technical team in proposal responses to strategic opportunities on the AF NetCents IDIQ contract. Identified and negotiated partner teaming agreements, competitive position, and participated in capture and proposal development for the Air Force initial RFP to establish consolidated AF Integrated –Network Operations and Security Centers (AF I-NOSCs), valued at $ million.
The Netco/Multimax restructure offered an opportunity to transition into capture management for AFNetOps strategic opportunities. As the AFNetOps capture manager, using a Shipley’s Capture Process, managed the Air Force initiative to consolidate and regionalize AF wide Microsoft Active Directory (AD) and Exchange servers. Established and managed strategies for technical and management approaches, milestone schedules, identification of partners, teaming agreements and call plans. Using the Active Directory and Exchange capture effort as a pilot, assisted proposal personnel in developing a standard Corporate Capture/Proposal Repository established into Microsoft SharePoint. After being assigned as the Program Manager for the Defense Information System Agency (DISA), ENCORE IDIQ Contract, she managed the sub contractor agreement with EDS and new business opportunity participation under the contract .

SRA International, Inc., Fairfax, VA, / to / Business Development Executive

Responsible for Defense Sector AF IT new business development. Developed executive briefings on the USAF market, based on the evolving DoD Transformational initiatives. Establish a high level enterprise-wide short and long term strategic marketing plan and pipeline. Established new relationships with large and small corporations, thereby establishing SRA as a primary sub contractor to the winning prime on the USAF Enterprise IT Modernization acquisitions for Logistics, $.B ECSS (Expeditionary Combat Support System), increasing revenues by $ Million. Additionally established SRA as a primary sub contractor on the $M AF ETIMS (Electronic Technical Information Management) and $M DEAMS (Defense Electronic Accounting Management System). Participated in strategic planning and capture management for the Civilian Sector prime contractor win of the Air Forcer Center of Environmental Excellence (AFCEE) IDIQ contract, valued at $ Million. Supported the Defense Sector on sub contracting opportunities with large and small business primes for the USAF NetCents IDIQ contract.

Keane Federal - McLean, VA / - /. Senior Account Executive

Responsible for establishing what is a primarily commercial firm with in the Department of Defense as a Quality prime contractor for delivering IT application development and maintenance solutions. In thirteen months, successfully established Keane Federal as the prime contractor for the USAF (Retail) Supply Logistics Modernization, and Sustainment acquisition, the Integrated Logistics Supply-System (ILS-S) increasing revenues by $ Million over a year period. Successfully developed and executed strategic business development plans to capture and win new AF Supply Chain business. Participated in the development of an AF Enterprise Supply - System (ES-S) Concept of Operations White Paper, live demonstration and briefing development, and call plan schedules and coordination with AF Logistics Executives and Program Managers. The demonstration integrated the AF’s Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) / GCSS-AF, Oracle Supply Chain ERP modules, AIT technology, with the AF Legacy Wholesale and Retail Logistics Systems and AF Maintenance System. This new business development strategic plan resulted in a sole source award of ES-S to Keane under the ILS-S existing contract, valued at $ Million. Additionally, the ES-S set the stage for the AF acquisition to purchase a commercial ERP and plans for a new acquisition that would modernize the AF Enterprise Supply Chain. In addition established Keane as the primary subcontractor for the ETIMS (Electronic Technical Order Information Management System) modernization effort. Supported the prime in developing a winning proposal for the $ Million ETIMS program. Received compliments from the government Program Manager, stating that the ETIMS proposal was the "Best proposal ever submitted". Supported the Keane Federal Executive Lobbyist in efforts to establish addition Congressional funding for the ILS-S program. Provided guidance and support to the Keane Consulting Group capture and win for consulting services to OSD Secretary of Acquisition’s Senior Executive Council efforts to establish a DoD wide Barcode standard, the DoD Universal Identification (UID) initiative.

Orkand Corporation - McLean, VA / - / . Business Development DoD

Responsible for establishing Orkand in the DoD. Completed a strategic marketing, business development, and capture plan based on Orkand core capabilities. Established Orkand as a primary sub contract for the Tricare Help Desk acquisition and as a prime in the Army Core of Engineers Document Management acquisition.

Logicon/ Syscon, a Northrop Grumman Company - Falls Church, VA. / - / , Director of Business Development DoD

Responsible for expanding the Logicon/Syscon IT presence in the DoD. Established Logicon/Syscon as the lead in Joint Chief of Staff, Logistics Readiness (J) initiative for a world-wide exercise to demonstrate the effectiveness of Automatic Identification Technologies (AIT) solutions for asset tracking for land, sea, and air scenarios for the DoD "Total Asset Visibility" initiative which resulted in new business programs: Consulting for the OSD Logistics Automatic Identification Technology (AIT) Concept of Operations, Implementation Plan of AIT technology DoD wide, AIT design, development , integration , and deployment of the AF Supply Asset Tracking System (SATS), AF Cargo Movement Tracking Systems (CMOS), AF Cargo Air Pallets Tracking System, Army Unit Move Tracking System, Defense Distribution Tracking System, and AF European Command Asset Visibility resulting in $ Million new revenues. Supported lobbyist efforts to establish an annual $- Mil of directed funding to the USAF AIT initiatives, resulting an additional $ million over a year period. Established the Air Force Technical Order Systems (ATOS) as the Air Logistics System Technical Order System of choice increasing revenues $ Million. Won a sub contractor position on the DLA DSETS IDIQ contract.

Digicon Corporation, Bethesda, Md. - / - / - Marketing Director DoD

Responsible for establishing new business in the DoD leveraging Digicon's (a) status. Developed a strategic plan based on core capabilities and established a capture process. Established Digicon as a reputable contractor at DISA and a prime for the DISA-NET acquisition. Established Digicon as the sole small business partner with the winning prime for the DFAS Infrastructure contract, which resulted in increased revenues by $ Million over a five year period, and positioning Digicon as a future partner for follow-on DoD business.

Federal Sources (Consulting), McLean, VA. And Gartner Group (Independent Sales), / - /

At Federal Sources, responsible for market research and strategic planning for DoD Federal Sources Consultants. Developed multiple DoD strategic capture plans for Federal Sources Consulting Clients. Directly supporting a Federal Sources Consultant in Boeing's winning capture and proposal efforts for the Defense Communications Agency (DCS) now DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency) for the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) Contract which resulted in Boeing’s increased revenues of $ million.

At Gartner Group, responsible for establishing Gartner Group in the DoD. Successfully established Gartner Group relationships with DoD Executives and established the first Gartner Group Consulting contract with the DoD Office of the Assistant Secretary for Command, Computers, Communications and Intelligence (CI), valued at $ Million for the initial contract. .

Computer Science Corporation, Fairfax, VA. / - /. Senior Manager/Business Development DoD

Responsible for developing a corporate strategic business development plan for the DoD Corporate Information Management (CIM) Initiative. Developed executive relationships with DoD Office of the Secretary (OSD) and DISA. Completed an in-depth market analysis of the DoD Defense Management Reform (DMR) and Corporate Information Management (CIM) business process improvement and consolidation of DoD Military Department and Component Business Systems Standardization initiatives. Established a CSC developed Navy Industrial Fund Financial Management System as a top candidate for the DoD Best of Breed Financial System as a result of an extensive functional and technical analysis, and capture effort. Established CSC Government Systems Group as a key member of Electronic Industry Association (EIA) and Information Technology Association of America's CIM research analysis teams. Established a CEO approved winning strategy for the capture of the DISA Defense Enterprise Information Systems (DEIS) initial acquisition, increasing CSC revenues to over $ million for the life of the contract and positioning CSC for DISA follow-on contracts (DEIS II, ENCORE I & II .

Previous Experience

Federal Marketing Systar Inc., Herndon, VA, / - /

Establish Systar software as the AF world-wide standard for performance monitoring of the Unisys OS Operating Systems, increasing revenues by $ Million.

Sperry Univac/ Unisys - Senior Marketing Representative/Operations Pre-Post Sales Technical Representative (Hardware/Software), / – /

At Unisys (Sperry) Washington DC, / - /, responsible for new business on the AF PHASE IV (AF-wide Base Level Hardware Modernization) increasing revenues of over $ Million.

Univac (Sperry) Honolulu, HI,
Marketing Representative, /- /, responsible for new business in for State & Local, Commercial, and Navy markets. Increased revenues by $ Million. (Received letter of commendation from the US Navy, State of Hawaii, and Hawaii Medical Services Association (HMSA). Responsible for Pre-Post Sales Technical Support, / – /.

Data Technical Analysis (DTA), Manager Data Capture Division, Honolulu, HI, / - /
Managed member staff for a X IT service bureau. Established DTA as the top provider of data capture services in the State of Hawaii. Received letters of commendation from State of Hawaii.

Miscellaneous Data Capture Positions, / - /

•Management Training - Certificates
•University of Hawaii, Liberal Arts
•NOVA, Continuing Education
•Kaplan University , BS – Dean’s List

Air Force Logistics Officer Association, AFCEA, NDIA, Air Force Association (AFA), University of Hawaii Alumni Association