Women's Job List

Soldier United States Army Resume


SUMMARY Recently Graduated from Kaplan University
• Experience with Administrative duties, Organization of teams and groups
Research and Resource strategies
•Proficient with MS Office, Windows XP and the Internet.

EDUCATION:Bachelor of Business Management
Kaplan University Davenport, Iowa
Graduated with a GPA of . on a . scale

Courses taken included:
Human Resources Management
Advance Career Development Strategies
Law office Management
Ethics and the Legal environment
Communication and Conflict
Management of information Systems

EXPERIENCE:Anchorage, Alaska

•Internship at the Legal Aid Office of Anchorage Alaska
•Worked as an intern at a legal Aid office, contracted by the state of Alaska
•Duties included legal research at court houses
•Conflict check Research
•Organization of legal material and sensitive information

Soldier Active Duty & National Guard
Carpentry Masonry Specialist Ft Richardson, Alaska, Camp Beauregard LA
Worked with member team to establish unique ideas to improve work conditions Accomplished all task in a timely manner. Work independently and often under stress to complete projects

Secretary, Ward Associates Lakewood New Jersey
Worked in a real-estate office with a five member staff,
• Coordinated and organized work orders for houses to get them ready for the real estate market.
• Processed over orders on a daily basis.
• Managed extensive data base of records

Member, leader at Resurrection Life Worship Center
• Church nursery
• Director for Dance ministry in church
• Over hours of community service thru the M.W.R (Morale Welfare and Recreation)

Terri Floyd
Alaska Legal Services Copoation
West Avenue