The Most Visited Job Board For Women For Over 20 Years
I have excellent oral and written communication skills, including presentation skills. I possess strong organizational skills. My experience with Microsoft Office products spans ten years. I am a team player.
/ - / at&t/SBC Service Representative
Investigated, recorded and resolved complaints, inquiries and requests from various telecommunication companies. Interacted with customers to provide information in response to inquiries about products and services. Managed customer inquiries by telephone and email. . Demonstrated knowledge of computer systems, products and reference materials. Accomplished time saving techniques to expedite resolution of problems related to orders for products and services.
State of CA Investigator for Dept. of Housing
Investigated and recommended litigation of housing discrimination complaints for northern California. Composed settlement agreements, request for documents and various correspondence. Conducted interviews, settlement negotiations, meetings with other agencies and mediated issues.
State of CA Legal Analyst for Dept. of Justice
Assisted seven attorneys for the State Attorney General Office with trial preparation and appeals. Obtained records, prepared reports, duplicated exhibits, provided research, served summons and subpoenas, filed pleadings, researched and revised documents and prepared jury instructions.
State of CA Legal Secretary for Dept. of Industrial
Prepared arguments, maintained case files, provided research, and calendared events.
Bar Association of S.F. Administrator for Volunteer Legal
Service Program
Planned and implemented two legal clinics per month. Supervised support staff. Managed office. Jointly recruited and trained attorneys and paralegals in preparation to volunteer at the legal clinics. Initiated and implemented an additional legal clinic for parents of children with disabilities.
J.D. New College of CA - School of Law
B.A. San Francisco State University