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Human Biology Resume


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Bachelor of Science in Human biology
(Concentration: Social Aspects of Health and Disease) Dec

Relevant Coursework
Cellular Biology, Genetics (plus Lab), Introductory Physics (plus Lab), Microbiology plus lab, Anatomy and Physiology, Ecology, General Chemistry & (plus Lab), Organic Chemistry, Sociology of Health & Illness, Comparative Animal Physiology, Child Development (plus Lab), Medicine, Ethics, and Society, Statistics

Lab Skills GENETICS: Dominant/Recessive Crosses; Environmental Effects; Independent Assortment; Polytene Chromosomes; Sex Linkage; Linkage and Recombination; Complementation; Transposable Elements; Linkage Determination; DNA Fingerprinting; Population Genetics; Lac Operon
MICROBIOLOGY: Pure Culture Techniques; Selection and Differentiation on Streak Plates; Dilution and Plating; Colorimetry and Turbidimetry; Identification of Organisms from Mixed Cultures; Graphing Growth Curves; Phenotypic Variation, Isolation, and Characterization of Bacterial Mutants; Phage DNA; Pathogenic Bacteria; Bacterial Conjugation; Serology

Experience Subway Sandwiches Texarkana, TX / - /
Assistant Manager (supervising/managing skills attained) / - /
• Performed weekly inventory by entering data into standard Subway Inc. spreadsheets
• Opened and closed the facility by adhering to a checklist created by the owner
• Completed shift ending reports
• Cash- in and cash- out balancing; calculated sales at end of shifts to equalize profit and loss
• Supervised employees
• Customer service

Collom and Carney Clinic Texarkana, TX / – /
Intern under Dr. Clark Green
• Observed Dr. Green in his methods and procedures in pediatrics
• Evaluated routine procedures
• Assisted in filing, and other paper work

Activities Students for Biology, Women in Medicine, University of Texas Biology Association, Indian Students Association

Honors Texas Early Graduation Scholarship

Skills COMPUTER: Windows XP, Office XP, Adobe Photoshop & Acrobat, Internet
LANGUAGE: fluent in Gujrati

Employment status
United States Citizen